
Friday, March 20, 2015

Writing Similes

This month's literacy unit is all about plants. This week's focus was on how seeds travel. I introduced one book by saying "There is a way that seeds travel like us!" I meant by cars (car tires to be exact).... but one little girl exclaimed with wide eyes "They can walk?!?" Hehe! Now, wouldn't that be cool?

The writing assignment was to finish the following simile: "Seeds travel by_____ like_____." Before having my class dive right into creating similes, I decided to "warm up" their brains to recognizing similes and making them meaningful.

We read Quick as a Cricket by Audrey Wood. Half way through the book, I would say the beginning of the next simile "I'm as large as a......" and see if they could come up an ending "whale, elephant, ocean..." before showing them the answer and illustration.


Next, we brainstormed as a class....

My favorite was "I am as bright as a star."  I shared with the class that the Bible says we are like stars - shining for Jesus! "You shine like stars in the world." ~ Philippians 2:15b

I ran out of room, but it was supposed to be "I am as tired as a hibernating bear."
Here were some of the similes they came up with. I compiled them into a class book.

Click HERE to grab a FREE copy of this simile writing sheet. 

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