
Friday, October 16, 2015

Five for Friday: Kicking off Colors

We are having a blast with colors this week! Since it was a short week with in-service yesterday and today, we will continue our "Colors in God's World" unit next week. Each day we dress in the color of the day starting with red and going through the rainbow. (We add white day and favorite color day to fill in the remaining days.) Thanks Kacey from Doodle Bugs Teaching for Hosting the linky!

You can't learn about colors without tasting the rainbow! This is a yummy way to review the concepts of real and bar graphs, more and less,... and good practice writing color words. I will introduce sight word wallets to my students next week with our first word list being color words.

Walking Water Experiment. We do a plethora of color mixing activities but this one was by far my favorite. I was just as excited as the kids.

You can see the colored water travel up the paper towel right away. We watched for a few minutes and then did another activity before coming back to see 1/2 the glass full of green water!

Cara at First Grade Parade has a walking water recording sheet FREEBIE you can download HERE.

We've been comparing numbers and values in math. Their favorite partner game is "war".

Here was a record breaking triple war! Not only have we practiced comparing numbers, but how to be a good sport. At the end of every game in our classroom I have the kids tell each other "good game" or another positive remark "I enjoyed playing with you", "thanks for playing"...

This was a small group math station: More or Less? Students would grab a handful of colored cubes. After sorting out the two colors, they would record the number of each and circle which had more. This game can be found at Shari Sloane's website HERE.

You can't have "green day" without reading Leo Lionni's Little Blue and Little Yellow.


Here is a fun extension to the read aloud. Students get one blue and one yellow ball of play-doh to combine and make green.

Recipe directions: gradually stir liquid into dry ingredients. cook over medium hear stirring constantly until mixture forms a ball. Remove from heat. when cool to touch knead until smooth. Store in airtight container.

 The Kool-Aid makes it smell heavenly! Mmm!

I love to make treats. It's my way of loving people. Whenever someone has a birthday, a baby,... a good reason.... I make treats! One of my dearest friends celebrated a birthday this week and I made her molten lava cakes. You will want to try this recipe. Trust me. I like them plain but you can add whipped cream or raspberries on top. Click on the picture for a link to the recipe.


Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I love graphing with M&Ms or Skittles!!! Great example of probability as well! :)

    ♥ Stephanie
    Fishing for Education Blog

  2. Those molten lava cakes look lovely! I loved reading all about the ways you have incorporated colour into your class :)

    Teaching Autism
